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konFLOPPY.img                                  Floppy & USB image file of Kon Boot konCD.iso                                              ISO image of Kon Boot KonBootCDInstallGuide.pdf               Install guide for konCD.iso KonBootUSBGuide.pdf                        Install guide for konUSB KonBootInstall.exe                 ...

: What is firewalls ? Explain types of firewall

: What is firewalls ? Explain types of firewall.   Defn:           To protect private networks and individual machines from the dangers of the greater Internet, a firewall can be employed to filter incoming or outgoing traffic based on a predefined set of rules called firewall policies. OR   Acting as a barrier between a trusted network and other untrusted networks -- such as the Internet -- or less-trusted networks -- such as a retail merchant's network outside of a cardholder data environment -- a firewall controls access to the resources of a network through a positive control model. This means that the only traffic allowed onto the network defined in the firewall policy is; all other traffic is denied. ***   Types of Firewalls ***       *  Packet Filtering Firewall    : On the Internet, packet filtering is the process of passing or blocking packe...